Windows 10 has been released. It is a 3GB download that, as with other Windows updates, will remember where to resume if you turn off your computer while it is being downloaded.
There are two ways to upgrade to it from the two qualifying versions of Windows, which are Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 8.1. You can either buy a new computer running Windows 8.1 and upgrade it or reserve your computer’s upgrade from within Windows 7 SP1/8.1.
To reserve the upgrade, open the Control Panel, open Windows Update and you will see what is shown in the image below. Click on the Reserve button and an icon will appear in the Notification Area located in the bottom-right corner by default. It looks like a white flag that has a cross in it. Put the mouse pointer over the icon and a balloon pops up that says “Get Windows 10.” Double-clicking on the icon makes a window appear that has the heading “How to get Windows 10 for free.”